Wednesday, 30 December 2015

New Year - Bucket List or Chuck List

Last year this time I had created my small  bucket list of '10 things to do before I die'. Frankly I am pretty proud of myself as I have achieved 2 out of 10 this year. ( yeah .. I have a long way to go as I am still alive)

This year I have a new list called the 'chuck list' These are day to day activites that I have postponed since eternity.
Yes! There are simple / mundane / random /no
brainer things that take a back seat because I am too bored to do it. 
The 3 common phrases that I use are: 
1) mentally exhausted ( term I like to use as it sounds cool ! ) 
2) kids are too small and life is too chaotic ( blame game fools my mind each time ) 
3) It's  a chore ( trust me it is !) 

I would rather dream about bigger things in life like ' 10 things to do before I die' ;) 

The Chuck List includes Simple things like ORGANIZE my wardrobe - most of you may find this pretty dumb but I have space for my regular clothes, nightwear ,party clothes, goan clothes, swimwears, inners and a huge chunk goes to 'hope clothes' ( clothes that don't fit me anymore but hope to fit me one day ) This reminds me of the next on my chuck list- YOGA. If I cannot prioritize my yoga and exercise then by November 2016 these 'hope' clothes need to go.
What about teaching the kids how to PACK their own clothes for vacations. Though its easier for me to pack as I dont have to haggle about the style/preference of clothes or wait for my preteen to ''make her list" which in my mind takes forever. Thing year I would deal with this self -packing demon and set priorities right. 

Why just Physical aspects, even Mentally I need to put a fullstop to somethings that were a part of me but I dont enjoy them anymore like MULTITASK . Its ok to acknowledge the fact that I prefer doing one thing at a time, Last few weeks I have realized that when I do one thing at a time I do a faster, smoother and a better job than multi tasking .. 

Oops!!! do I sound old ?? ... Shhhh I am chucking that thought out of my brain right now. I dont need such negativity in my life anymore..  ;) 
By the way - blogging had been postponed for a while, looks like I am back with a bang :) 
What are the most random and yet essential routine demons on your chucklist this year? 

Happy 2016 to all of you. 
Love and Light

Monday, 28 December 2015

Do you wait to seek approval all the time?

Approval seeking behavor is like a dangerous drug. It becomes addictive and you quickly develop a need to ask for more. 

When you seek approval, you actually value others opinion and beliefs more than yours. 

Their opinion of your is far more important to you than your own view of yourself. It affects your self esteem when you are not approved of .Receiving disapproval becomes a task by itself as you feel stuck .Your entire decision is now based on pleasing others to seek approvals which inturn becomes claustrophobic. You tend to disregard your ambitions to seek approvals from others. 

You cannot take any decisive action without their approval. 

Lack of achievement and a sense of failure are a few longterm setbacks of approval seeking behavior 

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Study on Self : How does Non-meditation affect your emotions ?

"To UNDERSTAND something you need Knowledge, To FEEL it you need Experience"

This is what was in my Mailbox about Two and a half months ago and it rang a bell.

Yes! I do .. do I? have an UNDERSTANDING of what lack of Meditation can do. 
I have been there a very long time ago around 10+ years ago and my memory recollects the uncomfortable feeling but I cannot remember the gravity of the situation. 

Just to feel empathetic enough towards my students I came up with this idea of skipping my Meditation Routine and see the effects it has on my body. 

Why can't I be a subject to my own research?

DISCLAIMER :  First and foremost I would like to Thank my family - especially kids, hubby and friends who supported me through this experiment ;) ( Oops! Maybe I just forgot to ask them for their consent !) Nevertheless they (as usual) support me unconditionally and I am grateful for that...

 This is a simple Journal about what I felt during the time

Week One: Very happy and No mood swings. Ego saying the Meditation is not necessary.

Week Two: Slightly Cranky.

Week Three: Very Cranky, could bite anyone's head off !

Week Four: Lethargy, dont feel like working. Looking for reasons to argue.

Week Five: Over sensitive, feeling neglected and worthless

Week Six: Taking an effort to do my other duties. Ashamed of myself

Week Seven: Feeling too lazy to do any work. Missed out on looking at the beauty around me (Did I start living in the past?)

Week Eight: Learn the skill of Procrastinating and learnt the art of lying to myself about why whatever I do I will never be able to make a difference to this world

Week Nine: Tried to restart my meditation but feels like my mind has a mind of its own!!  I am not able to focus even for 10 minutes. Failed miserably at the attempt.

Week Ten : Getting back on track.Last four days I have been meditating . Though it has increased my concentration and made me calmer, i still dont trust myself

Life is a roller coaster ride.

Sometimes we subconsciously choose to take a ride and sometimes we consciously jump into it, just for the experience ...
 But it always helps us grow..

Keep smiling... Keep experiencing ... Stay humane!

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Cannot blame anyone else except ME

Disha says
I always remind myself that I am open to what the Universe has to offer, I have tried it various times and noticed that I always get something better than what I had imagined.. ( Mind is limited, It always gives you reason why you don't deserve it) But I have learnt to stop my mind from interfering in Universal Matters :) and that is when meditation comes in handy.

Meditation is a switch off button for my mind. When I meditate, I switch off from the questions that my mind is asking me, take a breather and come back refreshed. I will then address what my mind had asked and take a call accordingly. Which in other words means I try not to react to the situation, whereas I act upon it, which also means that anything Good/Bad happening, I cannot blame anyone else except ME !!