Another way to
awaken your senses is Walking Meditation in simple words is Meditation while
walking. Being aware of every step that you take. As during Pranayama one is
aware of the movement of breath similarly in walking meditation the person has
to relax at ease, breathe lightly and enjoy every step with a light smile on
your face.
This meditation
is preferably done barefoot on grass or sand. While walking feel the tender
grass blades touch the sole of the feet, this works like acupressure on the
The feet is filled with nerve ends which inturn send out signals and
activate various parts of the body. In that sense all the parts of the body
workout in a synchronized manner.
Enjoy the
texture of the path your are treading on, the sharpness of the grass blade, the
hardness or the smoothness of the rock, the coarseness of the sand Acknowledge
each and every sensation felt by your feet.
Use your
nose- smell the surroundings, Use your ears – listen to each and every sound - either
of the birds chirping or just the wind blowing. As wind blows,enjoy the sensation when your body
comes in contact with the wind- the goosebumps on the skin or the hair that touches the nape of the neck. Try to use all 5 senses to
their maximum potential . Create awareness about each and every moment - Feel
awakened .