"To UNDERSTAND something you need Knowledge, To FEEL it you need
This is what was in my Mailbox about Two and a half months ago and it rang a bell.
Yes! I do .. do I? have an UNDERSTANDING of what lack of Meditation can do.
have been there a very long time ago around 10+ years ago and my memory
recollects the uncomfortable feeling but I cannot remember the gravity of the situation.
to feel empathetic enough towards my students I came up with this idea of
skipping my Meditation Routine and see the effects it has on my body.
Why can't
I be a subject to my own research?
DISCLAIMER : First and foremost I would like to Thank my family - especially kids, hubby and friends who supported me through this experiment ;) ( Oops! Maybe I just forgot to ask them for their consent !) Nevertheless they (as usual) support me unconditionally and I am grateful for that...
This is a simple Journal about what I
felt during the time
Week One: Very happy and No mood swings. Ego saying the Meditation is not
Week Two: Slightly Cranky.
Week Three: Very Cranky, could bite anyone's head off !
Week Four: Lethargy, dont feel like working. Looking for reasons to argue.
Week Five: Over sensitive, feeling neglected and worthless
Week Six: Taking an effort to do my other duties. Ashamed of myself
Week Seven: Feeling too lazy to do any work. Missed out on looking at the beauty
around me (Did I start living in the past?)
Week Eight: Learn the skill of Procrastinating and learnt the art of lying to
myself about why whatever I do I will never be able to make a difference to
this world
Week Nine: Tried to restart my meditation but feels like my mind has a mind of
its own!! I am not able to focus even
for 10 minutes. Failed miserably at the attempt.
Week Ten : Getting back on track.Last four days I have been meditating . Though it has increased my concentration and made me calmer, i still dont trust myself
Life is a roller coaster ride.
Sometimes we subconsciously choose to take a ride and sometimes we consciously jump into it, just for the experience ...
But it always helps us grow..
Keep smiling... Keep experiencing ... Stay humane!