Friday, 29 June 2012

Meditation Room

Meditation Room:

·     Choose a room which is Non dusty/ uncluttered and minimal furnishing. 

·     Create a space for a reclined chair or a Yoga mat.

·     Stool- At the Eye height - if you are sitting on the floor then a low stool/ if you are on a chair then adjust the height accordingly. I usually use this alter either to keep a candle / idol – with incense sticks/ flowers

·     Decorate the stool with Plants around it, Just a potted plant or flowers around the candle

·     Lighting : Just a candle in a dark room would suffice or a dim lit room. I prefer Perfumed candles sometimes. Its your space, decorate it in your style.

·     Music : Calm soothing music, Just raindrops or  flute Music. Sometimes I also prefer to listen to the Ceiling fan that makes a rhythmic sound completely gets me into my comfort zone.

·     Wear comfortable clothes. Dont wear belt/watch /tie or Tight hosieries.

·     As you do this ritual for every meditation, you will notice that the body automatically gets into the mode of meditation.

·     Celebrate this Present Moment



I count my blessings one by one
Though great or small they be,
And know without the help of God
Not one would ever be.

I thank Him for these blessings
Each morning of each day
And then again at close of night
Before sleep comes my way.

He grants me all these blessings
Though sinner that I be,
And with the many faults of mine
I know that he loves me

By Harold.F.Mohn

Monday, 25 June 2012

Gratitudinal Meditation For World Peace

Please join me for a quick meditation from wherever you are.

Focus : World Peace

Date : 29th June

Time : 10.00 pm - 10.30 pm

Meditation style: Any

Venue: Home / Any place that makes you comfortable.

Posture : Sitting or lying down. Make sure your feet touch the floor

Other Details : No Tight Clothing/ Heavy jewelry/ Leather accessories

 There are about 50 Healers, scattered all over the world meditating at the same time. Let us shower our positivity and thank Mother Earth

Please Note : The timezone I mentioned is IST ( Indian Standard Time). Please adjust your timezone according to your Country

Help Heal Mother Earth.

Any queries on Meditation, Please feel free to Contact me.

Love and Light

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Bach Flower Remedy

Holistic Support Supplement: Bach Flower Remedy.

I first heard about Bach Flower Therapy during one of my Reiki Class about 7 yrs ago. Till date I have personally never used it, but I have Patients and Friends who vouch by the therapy. Works for them within 5 mins of the oral intake. They emotionally feel stronger, calms nerves. On someday the effect is mellow, while on other days it can be dramatic. For those who may not know what Bach Flower therapy is, here goes a mini Intro.

Dr Edward Bach an Allopathic Doctor, over a decade ago moved away from his successful Medical profession to focus on a patients holistic needs. He noticed a strong correlation between emotions and illness. Every illness had a negative emotion attached to it. Every Flower petal has a kind of positive calming effect on the nerves.  There are about 38 types of negative emotions attached to different types of illnesses. So there are 38 Bach Flower remedies.

Though I personally believe that its not a permanent solution, but its better than taking allopathic drugs. You can also use it for a while, till you feel the need and slowly wean away. A special combination of 5 Bach Flower remedies known as rescue remedy is also used during emergencies like panic attack, stress and anxiety. Just like Homeopathy, they are also known as -Vibrational Medicine

Word of Caution: Though I feel that this remedy is harmless, like any other food intake, you may have an allergic reaction towards the product. Please check with your regular doctor before taking this.

Bach flower remedies can also be used on pets other domestic animals

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

African Proverb:

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."

Monday, 18 June 2012

Unlearn and relearn thoughts...

Sometimes we just get caught up in our own rat race. Feels like nothing is working for you. There is no passion in living, everything feels like an ordeal. Your Job/ Your family everything takes a toll on you... when younger, we were more enthusiastic, we assume that we will be forever young, and enthusiasm will stay forever, But its not possible. You have to consciously create the enthusiasm within you.
 Logically speaking every situation has both positive and negative in it, Two sides of the same coin, Why give negative more importance? Is it a habit that we have created? Can we force ourselves to think on the positive side of life. Force yourself to access the same situation differently, look at it from various angles till you see a ray of hope?Force your thought process till you get used to seeing things in various angles.
Why do I say force? Because we have created a habit to see things negatively. A forceful habit that you must unlearn negative and relearn the positive habit.. But why  unlearn/relearn and waste our time? Because negative habits drain you/doesn't work for you anymore.
Within seconds of seeing things in new light, you will start accepting and acknowledging life as it is, It wont be a block anymore and will then look for opportunities within that to make you feel better. This is a responsibility you take of living life
No doubt the right kind of attitude towards life is very important for a child, its easy to learn in the first place, than to unlearn and relearn which drains more energy and wastes time..

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Motivational Focused Emotion for your benefit..

We have to be emotional, this is what makes us humane. The feelings of happiness, sadness, love, hate, jealousy, elation..and others that you can think of, all these emotions make us human. We all have these emotions but in varying degrees. All emotions are dual in nature, we have to make the maximum use of the emotion to get the right benefit.
Eg : Is anger a negative emotion? No its not. One gets angry when an issue goes beyond their core value. Use this anger and focus it in the right direction, You will see that it transforms into Motivation. Use this motivational focused anger to reach your Goal
Use any / every emotion with a twist to customize it according to your problem. All you need is to be open to a change of thought process..Change every perceptive negative emotion into a perceptive positive emotion to get the maximum benefit..

Monday, 11 June 2012

Every Moment a New Experience....

Every moment is a new experience. Age wise when we live for a long time we create so many experiences, through previous experiences we build our future experiences.. Like a ladder, putting our foothold on the first step and we take the next one.We cannot skip any step or we will fall. The trick is not about taking a step, the trick is to realize and make a conscious positive decision to enjoy and have gratitude towards every moment .
 Easier said than done...Make sure you enjoy  every moment If u don't find anything new in the moment, still stay blessed and start a rampage of thanksgiving, after a while you will realize u have created a new dimension to that moment. Feel the happiness that come from within your heart. That's the true U , that's how God has created you. That's how u should be... Learn to have many 'gratitudinal moment' in a day.. You will soon realize that your focus automatically shifted from negative/ neutral to positive.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Sudden Thoughts

Disha says
As I sit under a shady tree on a hot summery afternoon, I am supposed to blog about something, I wonder what should i blog? about the Barking Dog around the corner or about Reiki, hmm maybe about traveling ( that I have always wanted to do) or the Chakra Activation which I have to complete for my personal development, What about Kids, they are so much fun.. 

Meditating with them helped me realize that kids just trust you so intuitively. They trust that whatever I  am saying  is true.. then why is it that as adults we stop trusting one another? or we trust selectively? why cannot we believe that whatever the other person says is in good faith? why do we get judgmental? Is it because we believe that they don't deserve us? or is it because we don't trust our thoughts enough? Where do I start?? Blogging for me is so new, thrilled and yet a lil edgy as a bird who is about to fly for the first time...

As a sweat drop trickles down the back of my neck I realize that I have to head back home, haven't hugged my angels for more than 3 hours...