Sometimes we
just get caught up in our own rat race. Feels like nothing is working for you.
There is no passion in living, everything feels like an ordeal. Your Job/ Your
family everything takes a toll on you... when younger, we were more
enthusiastic, we assume that we will be forever young, and enthusiasm will stay
forever, But its not possible. You have to consciously create the enthusiasm within you.
Logically speaking every situation has both
positive and negative in it, Two sides of the same coin, Why give negative more
importance? Is it a habit that we have created? Can we force ourselves to think
on the positive side of life. Force yourself to access the same situation differently, look
at it from various angles till you see a ray of hope?Force your thought process till you get used to seeing things in various angles.
Why do I say
force? Because we have created a habit to see things negatively. A forceful
habit that you must unlearn negative and relearn the positive habit.. But why unlearn/relearn and waste our time? Because
negative habits drain you/doesn't work for you anymore.
Within seconds
of seeing things in new light, you will start accepting and acknowledging life
as it is, It wont be a block anymore and will then look for opportunities within that to make you feel
better. This is a responsibility you take of living life
No doubt the right kind of attitude towards life is very important for a child, its easy to learn in the first place, than to unlearn and relearn which drains more energy and wastes time..