Disha says
As I sit under a shady tree on a hot summery afternoon, I am
supposed to blog about something, I wonder what should i blog? about the
Barking Dog around the corner or about Reiki, hmm maybe about traveling ( that
I have always wanted to do) or the Chakra Activation which I have to complete
for my personal development, What about Kids, they are so much fun..
with them helped me realize that kids just trust you so intuitively. They trust
that whatever I am saying is true.. then why is it that as adults we
stop trusting one another? or we trust selectively? why cannot we believe that
whatever the other person says is in good faith? why do we get judgmental? Is
it because we believe that they don't deserve us? or is it because we don't
trust our thoughts enough? Where do I start?? Blogging for me is so new,
thrilled and yet a lil edgy as a bird who is about to fly for the first time...
As a sweat drop trickles down the back of my neck I realize that
I have to head back home, haven't hugged my angels for more than 3 hours...